Wednesday, December 5, 2007


There are times when you come upon something that you know is a great inovasion and destined to flourish in the future. The crazy guitar freaks at Gibson Guitars have integrated robot technology into guitars. This revolutionary creation makes manual tuning non-existent. The new Robot Guitars have a little computer installed in the neck of the guitar which will receive signals from the master control knobs self-tuning system. Drop-D, C, you name it, you just turn the knob. The video will show that it also has a cool LED display on the knob for selecting a tuning. The Robot Guitar comes in a Les Paul design with a baby blue sunburst. Gibson has decided to test these out selectively so only certains stores around the world will be providing the Robot Guitars. Each retail is only getting 10 guitars each and it launches December 7 so be quick to look in to it! Just watch the video!

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